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Cushings Disease- Part 3 of 3

Diagnosis of Spontaneous Canine Hyperadrenocorticism: 2012 ACVIM Consensus Statement (Small Animal)- Part 3 of 3

E.N. BehrendH.S. KooistraR. NelsonC.E. ReuschJ.C. Scott‐Moncrieff

Dexamethasone Suppression Testing

Test Principles

In normal dogs, dexamethasone administration causes rapid and prolonged suppression of cortisol secretion. In patients with an AT, dexamethasone at any dosage does not suppress cortisol secretion. In dogs with PDH, ACTH secretion is not appropriately suppressed by administration of a low dose of dexamethasone (0.01 mg/kg), but in 75% of dogs with PDH, cortisol concentrations decrease after administration of 0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone used in the high‐dose dexamethasone suppression test. The other 25% of dogs with PDH do not demonstrate suppression even after receiving higher dexamethasone dosages.35 In dogs with PDH that do not suppress, a large pituitary tumor is more likely.3279

Dexamethasone Form, Dosage, and Time of Testing

The HDDST should be performed as the LDDST except that the dosage of dexamethasone is 0.1 mg/kg IV. The free alcohol form should be avoided.

LDDST and HDDST as Differentiating Tests

The largest study evaluating both suppression tests included 181 dogs with PDH and 35 with AT.35 Procedures used to classify dogs were fairly rigorous; however, some dogs with mitotane‐responsive AT may have been included in the PDH group. The criteria proposed for identification of dogs with PDH using an LDDST were a 4‐hour postdexamethasone cortisol concentration below the laboratory cut‐off or <50% of the basal cortisol concentration or an 8‐hour cortisol concentration <50% of the basal cortisol concentration, but greater than the laboratory cut‐off. The criteria for suppression on the HDDST were a 4‐ or 8‐hour cortisol concentration or both below the laboratory cut‐off or <50% of the basal cortisol concentration. Approximately 75% of dogs with PDH met at least 1 criterion for suppression on either the LDDST or HDDST. Of dogs with PDH, 12% did not suppress on an LDDST but did on the HDDST. Dexamethasone resistance (ie, no criteria were met) occurred in all dogs with AT and the remainder of the dogs with PDH. The criteria proposed in this study still are well accepted, although no follow‐up studies have been performed for confirmation. In 41 dogs with AT in another study, 28 LDDST and 30 HDDST were performed.6 No suppression was seen on any test.

Based on clinical experience, the Panel agrees that suppression in response to dexamethasone supports a diagnosis of PDH, and a dog with dexamethasone resistance can have either AT or PDH. However, cut‐off values need to be re‐evaluated.

Dexamethasone Suppression with UCCR

Decreased blood cortisol concentration after dexamethasone administration is reflected in decreased UCCR. After collection of a morning urine sample on 2 consecutive days at home, 3 doses of dexamethasone (0.1 mg/kg) are administered PO at 6‐ to 8‐hour intervals, and a 3rd urine sample is collected the next morning. A decrease in the 3rd UCCR to <50% of the mean of the basal values is consistent with PDH.80 Lack of suppression does not confirm AT. In 160 dogs with HAC (49 AT and 111 PDH), the UCCR in 72% of dogs with PDH suppressed to <50% of the basal UCCR.81 The other 28% of dogs with PDH were dexamethasone‐resistant. In dogs with AT, the maximum suppression was 44% of the baseline sample.

Discordant Test Results

Discordance between results of suppression tests and other differentiating tests may occur for the same reasons as for cACTH measurement. Changes in dexamethasone metabolism also may influence results of suppression tests.3182


  • Dexamethasone suppression can help distinguish PDH from AT. If suppression occurs, the patient likely has PDH. However, cut‐off values should be reevaluated.
  • Lack of suppression after dexamethasone administration on either the LDDST or HDDST does not confirm an AT because approximately 25% of dogs with PDH fail to suppress.
  • Suppression to <50% of baseline on an LDDST (using criteria outlined above) in a dog with HAC confirms the disease as pituitary‐dependent.
  • If there is no suppression on an LDDST, measurement of cACTH or abdominal ultrasound is recommended. If these tests are not available, the HDDST is an alternative but it will only provide differentiation in approximately 12% additional PDH cases.
  • Results of either the LDDST or HDDST cannot be considered 100% absolute.

Diagnostic Imaging

Diagnosis of HAC cannot be performed solely with imaging (ultrasonography, CT, MRI) and must rely on hormone tests. Moreover, finding normal adrenal glands on imaging studies does not rule out HAC.


Abdominal distension, good contrast because of abdominal fat deposition, hepatomegaly, and bladder distension may be seen as well as mineralization of the bronchi and pulmonary interstitium82 and of dermal and subcutaneous tissues in areas predisposed to calcinosis cutis. A small liver makes HAC unlikely.83 An AT may be visualized either because of mass effect or tumoral calcification.

Ultrasonographic Imaging

Adrenal gland width is the most informative parameter. Because the long axis of an adrenal gland often is misaligned with either the medial or dorsal plane of the body, cross‐sectional images may lead to oblique views and miscalculation of glandular dimensions. Breed and body size‐related differences also must be considered.

Ultrasonography can estimate AT size and possibly vascular or local soft tissue invasion.8586 Symmetrical, normal sized, or enlarged adrenal glands are found in dogs with PDH,87 but mild asymmetry also may occur.8889 Moderate asymmetry, contralateral adrenocortical atrophy (adrenal width <4 to 5 mm), destruction of normal tissue architecture, or some combination of these is consistent with an AT. Distinguishing macronodular hyperplasia from AT can be difficult with ultrasonography. Although most AT are unilateral, bilateral tumors may occur.869091

When an AT has been confirmed, certain findings suggest malignancy. Possible metastases may be identified by thoracic radiography and abdominal ultrasonography. Metastasis can be confirmed by ultrasound‐guided biopsy. Adrenal gland width >4 cm is highly correlated with malignancy. Invasion into the vena cava or adjacent tissues can be detected by ultrasonography, but CT92 and MRI are more sensitive techniques to identify vascular invasion and detect metastases. Therefore, abdominal ultrasonography ideally should be followed by CT or MRI before adrenalectomy. Differentiating benign from malignant AT often is difficult, even with histopathological examination. No dog should be sent to surgery for adrenalectomy without confirmation of the presence of an AT (and atrophy of contralateral adrenal gland) by abdominal ultrasound examination, CT, MRI, or some combination of these.

Pituitary Imaging

Pituitary imaging provides valuable information regarding treatment options and prognosis. Pituitary lesions range from small nests of hyperplastic cells to large tumors.5 The absence of neurological abnormalities does not exclude a pituitary macrotumor (ie, a tumor that is either >1 cm diameter, extends above the sella turcica, or has a pituitary/brain ratio of >0.31).3292

Because pituitary lesions may be quite small, contrast‐enhanced CT and MRI may identify a normal‐sized pituitary gland in dogs with PDH.328894-96 The blood supply of the posterior pituitary gland is direct (arterial), whereas that of the anterior pituitary gland is mainly indirect via the pituitary portal system; dynamic contrast‐enhanced CT takes advantage of this difference. In a dog with a normal pituitary gland, after IV administration of contrast medium, the posterior pituitary gland can be identified first. This phase is called the “pituitary flush,” and its absence indicates atrophy of the posterior pituitary gland because of compression by a pituitary tumor. Displacement or distortion of the flush can be used to identify and localize anterior pituitary microtumors.97 Dorsal displacement and decreased signal intensity of the posterior lobe on T1‐weighted MRI also indicates the presence of a microtumor.98

The Panel does not recommend a specific pituitary imaging technique; choice reflects availability and the type of information sought. Over time, some pituitary tumors become macrotumors. Because radiation therapy or hypophysectomy is required for their treatment and both are more effective with smaller tumors and in the absence of neurological abnormalities, the Panel recommends that pituitary imaging be considered for all dogs at the time of PDH diagnosis. If clinical features suggest a pituitary macrotumor, confirmation requires imaging. Imaging also is essential for treatment planning before either hypophysectomy or pituitary irradiation.

A cortisol‐secreting AT and pituitary tumor may occur simultaneously.99 Thus, 2 Panel members advise pituitary imaging in dogs with AT. All Panel members recommend pituitary imaging when discordant results of previous tests exist (eg, an AT is visualized but cACTH concentration is not low, the contralateral adrenal gland is not atrophied, [>4 to 5 mm], or part of the affected adrenal gland appears normal).


  • Diagnostic images should be carefully interpreted and always in conjunction with hormonal studies.
  • No dog should undergo adrenalectomy without confirmation of the presence of an AT (and atrophy of contralateral adrenal gland) by abdominal imaging.
  • Metastases, vena caval invasion by tumor mass, adrenal width >4 cm, or some combination of these findings strongly suggests malignancy.
  • Pituitary imaging is recommended in all cases of PDH and considered essential in some.

Measurement of Cortisol Precursors and Adrenal Sex Hormones

The syndrome of atypical or occult HAC is defined as “a syndrome in which a dog appears to have HAC based on history, physical examination, and clinicopathologic findings, but the LDDST, UCCR, and ACTH stimulation test fall into currently accepted reference ranges.” The Panel prefers the term “occult” over atypical, but also notes that in the human literature, occult HAC refers to individuals not showing typical signs of HAC, ie, those with subclinical or inapparent disease. Because the term is known, the Panel chose to continue to refer to the syndrome as “occult HAC.”

Current theory, which possibly is incorrect, is that “occult HAC” is because of the abnormal adrenocortical secretion of sex hormones. The Panel does not believe that sex hormones cause “occult HAC.” Readers are referred elsewhere100 for a discussion of the evidence for or against the theory.

The diagnosis of standard HAC is never based solely on basal cortisol concentration. No evidence exists that measurement of basal serum sex hormone concentrations are any more reliable for diagnosis of adrenal dysfunction. Thus, the following discussion will focus on ACTH‐stimulated concentrations, which are a measure of adrenal reserve.

Clinical Picture

Only 14 cases in the veterinary literature meet the definition.101-104 No specific phenotype for “occult HAC” is apparent.

Although sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome and hyperphosphatasemia in Scottish Terriers105 have been linked with “occult HAC,” causative evidence is lacking. If only post‐ACTH sex hormone concentrations were considered, no single sex hormone was increased in more than 62% of dogs with retinal degeneration, and no single hormone was consistently increased. Similarly, in Scottish Terriers with hyperphosphatasemia, no single hormone was consistently increased. Furthermore, more Scottish Terriers without hyperphosphatasemia had increased sex hormones than did those with increased enzyme activity. Correlation is not causation.

Indications for Diagnostic Testing

Testing for “occult HAC” should not be undertaken if no clinical indication for testing for classic HAC exists. If the clinical picture fits, the primary indication for measuring cortisol precursors and adrenal sex hormones is when a dog is tested for HAC with an ACTH stimulation test or LDDST and all cortisol concentrations, including basal, are below the reference range. If administration of exogenous glucocorticoids of any form or of medications that alter cortisol synthesis (eg, ketoconazole) is ruled out, a sex hormone‐secreting AT may be present. The ultrasonographic finding of an AT in such patients would further support the diagnosis, but the lack of visualizing an AT does not rule it out. Secretion of progesterone and 17‐α‐hydroxy‐progesterone (17OHP) or other sex hormone or cortisol precursor103106 may suppress pituitary ACTH secretion and cause atrophy of normal adrenocortical tissue. A cause and effect relationship between AT sex hormone secretion and clinical signs has been documented,103104107 whereas a causative relationship with PDH and sex hormones has not. Furthermore, AT cells can dedifferentiate, losing ability to synthesize enzymes in the hormone synthesis pathways. Thus, a sex hormone or cortisol precursor may be the end‐product of hormone synthesis, not cortisol. If pituitary‐dependent “occult HAC” exists, how or why adrenocortical tissue should have altered steroid synthesis is unexplained.

Therefore, if clinical signs are mild, the Panel recommends waiting and retesting for classical HAC when progression is noted. If clinical signs are moderate to severe, abdominal ultrasound examination should be performed. If the adrenal glands are normal, the differential diagnoses for the patient should be reconsidered. If bilateral adrenomegaly is present, pituitary CT or MRI should be considered to identify a pituitary tumor causing early HAC. Lastly, food‐stimulated HAC should be considered as a diagnosis, as in these patients fasting cortisol concentration may be low.

Sex Hormone Testing

Measurement of serum sex hormone concentrations has been advocated for diagnosis of “occult HAC.” Use of a sex hormone panel has been proposed to increase sensitivity and specificity over measurement of a single hormone alone. Increased concentrations of any of the sex hormones are common, with increases in estradiol noted in approximately 40% of panels submitted to a reference laboratory.108

On the other hand, dogs with NAI might have increased sex hormone concentrations compared to healthy dogs because of adaptation of adrenocortical function to the stresses of chronic illness. Dogs with chronic NAI had a 14%21or 36%22 chance of having post‐ACTH stimulation cortisol concentrations consistent with HAC. Dogs without adrenal disease also can have increased sex hormone concentrations, and sex hormones may be more likely to be falsely increased by NAI than cortisol. In 1 study, post‐ACTH serum cortisol, 17OHP, and corticosterone concentrations were significantly correlated both in dogs with neoplasia and in those suspected of having HAC, suggesting that as adrenal function is increased either by adrenal disease or by NAI, production of all hormones increases proportionately.48 Test specificity for 17OHP may be as low as 59–70%.4851109 The specificity of progesterone measurement in a single study was 55%.51 In 6 dogs with either pheochromocytoma or a nonfunctional AT, serum concentrations of androstenedione, progesterone, 17OHP, testosterone, estradiol, or some combination of these were increased.107

Alternate Theories

The Panel recognizes cases that fulfill criteria for “occult HAC.” Three Panel members will test for “occult HAC” by measuring sex hormones in specific cases after all other differential diagnoses have been excluded.

A few explanations exist for the existence of such cases. First, as discussed above, the reference ranges and cut‐off values for the LDDST need to be reestablished; the Panel believes they should be lower than they currently are, resulting in some dogs with “occult HAC” actually having typical HAC. If so, dogs with mild or early HAC that are “normal” on tests using current cut‐off values may not be with revised (lower) values. Second, variable cortisol sensitivity exists in humans110 and may occur in dogs. Dogs with high sensitivity may show clinical signs of HAC at cortisol concentrations considered “normal” for the general population. Accordingly, the appropriate name for the syndrome may be “suspected HAC.” Third, dogs that meet the definition for “occult HAC” may have rare forms such as food‐dependent HAC. Other explanations also may exist.


  • Sex hormones have not been proven to cause “occult HAC.”
  • In general, if the clinical picture does not fit testing for classic HAC, it does not fit testing for “occult HAC.”
  • One indication for testing of “occult HAC” is inappropriately low cortisol concentrations on HAC screening tests.
  • The specificity of adrenal sex hormone panel testing is low.
  • Finding an AT does not mean HAC is present. Given the specificity of sex hormone testing, a sex hormone panel must be interpreted cautiously if clinical signs of HAC are lacking.

Part 1 of Cushing's Consensus Statement

Part 2 of Cushing's Consensus Statement

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