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Cushings disease Part 1 of 3

Diagnosis of Spontaneous Canine Hyperadrenocorticism: 2012 ACVIM Consensus Statement (Small Animal)- Part 1 of 3

E.N. BehrendH.S. KooistraR. NelsonC.E. ReuschJ.C. Scott‐Moncrieff


Part 2 of Cushing's Consensus Statement

Part 3 of Cushing's Consensus Statement

...and more liver information


This report offers a consensus opinion on the diagnosis of spontaneous canine hyperadrenocorticism. The possibility that a patient has hyperadrenocorticism is based on the history and physical examination. Endocrine tests should be performed only when clinical signs consistent with HAC are present. None of the biochemical screening or differentiating tests for hyperadrenocorticism are perfect. Imaging can also play a role. Awareness of hyperadrenocorticism has heightened over time. Thus, case presentation is more subtle. Due to the changes in manifestations as well as test technology the Panel believes that references ranges should be reestablished. The role of cortisol precursors and sex hormones in causing a syndrome of occult hyperadrenocorticism remains unclear.


  • ACTH
  • adrenocorticotrophic hormone
  • ALP
  • alkaline phosphatase
  • AT
  • adrenal tumor
  • cACTH
  • canine ACTH
  • CBC
  • complete blood count
  • CT
  • computed tomography
  • enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay
  • External Quality Assurance Specimens
  • HAC
  • hyperadrenocorticism
  • high‐dose dexamethasone suppression test
  • HPAA
  • hypothalamic/pituitary/adrenal axis
  • IRMA
  • immunoradiometric assay
  • low‐dose dexamethasone suppression test
  • MRI
  • magnetic resonance imaging
  • PDH
  • pituitary‐dependent hyperadrenocorticism
  • RIA
  • radioimmunoassay
  • UCCR
  • urinary corticoid : creatinine ratio

Clinical Presentation: Indications For Diagnostic Testing

The possibility that a patient has hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is based on the history and physical examination. Endocrine tests should be performed only when clinical signs consistent with HAC are present. The Panel believes that because of heightened awareness of HAC, dogs are currently evaluated at much earlier stages of disease development. Consequently, clinical manifestations are more subtle, and the prevalence of clinical signs and physical examination findings in individual dogs is less than that published several decades ago.

The primary indication for pursuing a diagnosis of HAC is the presence of one or more of the common clinical signs and physical examination findings (Table 1).1-10 If only 1 clinical sign is present, it is usually polyuria and polydipsia, or alopecia and skin changes suggestive of an endocrine disease.11 Cases seen by dermatologists may have a different constellation of findings than those seen by internists. Failure to identify multiple indicators for HAC does not rule out the disease. However, the more abnormalities identified, the stronger the indication to pursue testing. Less common clinical signs and physical examination findings add further support for diagnostic testing.

Table 1. Clinical manifestations of canine HAC.1-11111-113 Categorization of frequency is based on identification at the time of initial presentation
Common Less Common Uncommon
Polydipsia Lethargy Thromboembolism
Polyuria Hyperpigmentation Ligament rupture
Polyphagia Comedones Facial nerve palsy
Panting Thin skin Pseudomyotonia
Abdominal distention Poor hair regrowth Testicular atrophy
Endocrine alopecia Urine leakage Persistent anestrus
Hepatomegaly Insulin‐resistant diabetes mellitus  
Muscle weakness  
Systemic hypertension    
  • HAC, hyperadrenocorticism.

Less common clinical presentations of HAC include anestrus and testicular atrophy; ligament laxity that may lead to tearing and lameness12; facial palsy; and pseudomyotonia.1314 Severe polyuria, urinary tract infection or both may lead to urine leaking, especially when the dog is asleep, and owner‐perceived urinary incontinence. Hypercoagulability may result in spontaneous thromboembolism, typically involving pulmonary vessels and causing acute respiratory distress.1516 Cortisol‐induced insulin resistance may promote diabetes mellitus and impair exogenous insulin response.1718 If less common clinical presentations are identified first, a thorough review of the history, physical examination findings, and routine laboratory test results often provides additional evidence for the disease. Failure to identify abnormalities listed in Tables 1 and 2 is a major negative indicator for the presence of HAC.

Table 2. Common laboratory abnormalities in dogs with HAC.1-11111113
CBC Serum Biochemistry Panel Urinalysis
Neutrophilic leukocytosis Increased alkaline phosphatase Specific gravity ≤1.018–1.020
Lymphopenia Increased alanine aminotransferase Proteinuria
Eosinopenia Hypercholesterolemia Indicators of urinary tract infection
Thrombocytosis Hypertriglyceridemia  
Mild erythrocytosis Hyperglycemia  
  • HAC, hyperadrenocorticism; CBC, complete blood count.

Clinical manifestations may develop secondary to mass‐occupying effects of a pituitary or adrenal tumor (AT). A large pituitary tumor may cause neurologic signs (pituitary macrotumor syndrome), including inappetence, anorexia, stupor, circling, aimless wandering, pacing, ataxia, and behavioral alterations. Although pituitary macrotumor syndrome develops in 10–25% of dogs months to years after HAC diagnosis, some have pituitary macrotumor syndrome, albeit subtle, at initial presentation. Documenting a large pituitary mass on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during the evaluation of neurologic signs supports testing for HAC. Adrenocortical carcinomas may invade the phrenicoabdominal vein, caudal vena cava, or both, causing retroperitoneal hemorrhage, blood‐loss anemia and abdominal pain, or incite formation of a tumor thrombus that leads to ascites or rear limb paresis.1920

Testing for HAC is recommended after unexpected identification of an adrenal mass on imaging performed for another problem such as vomiting. A review of the history, physical examination findings, and results of routine blood and urine tests will usually, but not always, provide evidence for HAC, if present, and prompt additional testing. Because the presence of an AT dictates perioperative management, testing for HAC should be recommended before adrenalectomy.

Results of a complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry panel, urinalysis, urine protein : creatinine ratio, and blood pressure measurement may further support HAC (Table 2). No abnormality listed in Table 2 is pathognomonic for HAC. Laboratory test results and a blood pressure measurement must be interpreted within the context of the history and physical examination findings. An absence of common abnormalities noted in Table 1 should strongly decrease the suspicion of HAC. Conversely, failure to identify abnormalities listed in Table 2 does not, by itself, rule out HAC. If measured, bile acid concentrations may be mildly increased. A cause and effect relationship between HAC and formation of gall bladder mucoceles has yet to be clarified. Identification of bilateral adrenomegaly or an AT on abdominal ultrasound examination provides additional evidence to pursue the diagnosis of HAC in dogs with common abnormalities listed in Table 1. However, the presence of ultrasonographically normal‐sized adrenal glands does not rule out HAC.

Ideally, testing for HAC should be avoided if serious illness exists. Many illnesses affect results of HAC screening tests.2122 Testing for HAC is not mandatory at the time suspicion arises. Postponing testing until concurrent illness is resolved or controlled is recommended, but the concurrent illness must be considered.

In summary, indicators for performing diagnostic tests for HAC are:
  • Compatible history and physical examination findings. The greater the number of findings, the stronger the suspicion. Biochemical panel, CBC, urinalysis, and urine protein : creatinine ratio results and blood pressure measurement by themselves are not indications to test.
  • A pituitary macrotumor.
  • A diabetic dog with persistently poor response to high dosages of insulin not attributed to another cause, including owner issues.
  • An adrenal mass.
  • Persistent hypertension. (The Panel did not reach consensus on this point. Some would not test if hypertension was the only abnormality present.)

Screening Tests

No test has 100% diagnostic accuracy. Positive and negative predictive values are dependent upon disease prevalence. In a population appropriately screened so that disease prevalence is high, all diagnostic tests will be more accurate.

Diagnosis of HAC depends on demonstration of either: (1) increased cortisol production or (2) decreased sensitivity of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis (HPAA) to negative glucocorticoid feedback. Measurement of a single basal cortisol concentration has no diagnostic value. Pulsatile adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) secretion results in variable cortisol concentrations2324 which may at times be within the reference range. Dogs with nonadrenal illness (NAI) can have increased baseline cortisol concentrations.2225

The tests used most often include the low‐dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST), urinary corticoid : creatinine ratio (UCCR), and ACTH stimulation test. Because all were introduced into veterinary medicine in the 1970s and 1980s, the Panel believes current reference ranges and cut‐off values should be re‐evaluated. First, measured cortisol concentrations differ among assays. Thus, values generally cannot be used interchangeably. Second, methods and assays have changed over previous decades, but new reference ranges were not usually generated. Third, studies from which reference ranges were derived had various shortcomings, namely comparison of dogs with HAC to healthy dogs rather than those suspected of having HAC; inclusion of groups with small numbers of dogs; and, use of controls with NAI that were not suspected of having HAC. Furthermore, trials to evaluate screening tests were performed in referral settings with a high disease prevalence, but the tests often are now used in primary care settings with a low disease prevalence. Fourth, the incidence of mild cases of HAC has appeared to increase over time, possibly because of heightened awareness and earlier patient presentation. Milder cases will have a lower degree of cortisol hypersecretion, and cut‐off values previously established may not apply.

Any screening test may be negative in a patient with HAC. If a test is negative but suspicion for HAC remains, another test should be performed. If more than 1 test is negative, the possibility that the patient does not have HAC must be considered. Alternatively, the patient may have mild HAC and the tests have not yet become positive. It may be worthwhile to retest in 3–6 months if clinical signs progress.

Technical Aspects

Cortisol Assays

In serum or plasma, total cortisol (bound and free) is measured; in urine and saliva, only free cortisol is measured. Various techniques are available (eg, RIA, ELISA, chemiluminescence). To the Panel's knowledge, data regarding in‐house cortisol measurements have not been published in the peer‐reviewed literature; therefore, such methods were not considered.

Circulating cortisol concentrations differ depending on the assay. The EQUAS program run by Michigan State University provides data comparing measurements among laboratories. Consistent differences are reported. For example, cortisol measured by Immulite is higher than that measured by RIA (Dr R. Nachreiner, personal communication). Differences exist among laboratories using the same methodology. From the EQUAS XXXV report (July 2010), 27 laboratories using the Immulite assay found cortisol concentrations from 3.7 to 7.2 μg/dL (101–199 nmol/L) in the same sample. Eleven laboratories used the same RIA; cortisol concentrations in the same sample ranged from 3.0 to 5.0 μg/dL (83–137 nmol/L).

Tube Type, Sample Type, Time of Centrifugation, and Stability

Cortisol concentrations were the same whether measured on samples stored in glass or plastic,26 serum or plasma,2627 and centrifuged 10 minutes or 40 hours after blood collection.27 Cortisol is stable in plasma and urine at 4 and 25°C for 5 days, but decreases in serum at 4, 25, and 37°C (compared to −20°C).26 However, to ensure adequate sample integrity, the Panel recommends that after centrifugation samples either be refrigerated for up to 24 hours or frozen for longer at −20°C. Urine can be stored at 4°C for up to 4 days or at −20°C for >5 days. Samples should be sent to the laboratory overnight; sample type will not matter and no special packaging is needed.


Because of assay‐dependent cross‐reactivity among various steroids (prednisolone, prednisone, methylprednisolone, fludrocortisone, cortisone, hydrocortisone), the Panel recommends a 24 hour interval between the last steroid administration and cortisol measurement. However, the 24 hour time period will not eliminate the risk of adrenal suppression secondary to glucocorticoid administration.

Influence of Hemolysis and Lipema

The effect of lipemia and hemolysis may differ among assays. The Panel recommends contacting the individual laboratory for information related to the assay used.

Hypothalamic‐Pituitary‐Adrenal Axis and Drugs

Many drugs affect human HPAA activity.27 A number of these drugs are not used in veterinary medicine, but metoclopramide, clonidine, buprenorphine, codeine, clomipramine, ceruletide, and desmopressin are used in veterinary medicine. Except for desmopressin,28 studies are lacking in veterinary medicine.

Exogenous progestins29 and glucocorticoids can suppress the HPAA. The duration of suppression reflects duration of use, dose, administration route, form of synthetic steroid (short‐ or long‐acting), and individual sensitivity and cannot be predicted.30


  • No particular assay is recommended.
  • Cortisol concentrations vary by assay and among laboratories using the same method. Reference ranges and cut‐off values must be established by each laboratory; therefore, the Panel does not recommend specific reference ranges and cut‐off values.
  • Samples for cortisol measurement should be centrifuged within 1 hour after collection, immediately refrigerated or frozen for longer storage, and shipped overnight to a reference laboratory.

Low‐Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test

Test Principles

The LDDST can demonstrate decreased HPAA sensitivity to negative glucocorticoid feedback, 1 of the 2 characteristics of HAC diagnosis. Additionally, dexamethasone may be metabolized quicker in dogs with HAC than in healthy dogs.31 Resistance to dexamethasone suppression is not “all or nothing” but a continuum; slight resistance may be present in early or mild cases and more severe resistance may be present in advanced cases of HAC.32

The LDDST as a Screening Test

A diagnosis of HAC is determined by the cortisol concentration 8 hours after dexamethasone administration. In human medicine, because patients with mild HAC may have greater sensitivity to dexamethasone suppression, cut‐off values have decreased over time.33 As stated above, the Panel suggests that updated cut‐off values be established by each laboratory. However, no cut‐off correctly identifies all patients with HAC.34 In veterinary medicine, the reported sensitivity and specificity of the LDDST range from 85 to 100% and from 44 to 73%, respectively.62135-41224243

An “inverse” pattern, in which the cortisol concentration 8 hours after dexamethasone was below the cut‐off value, but the cortisol concentration 4 hours post‐dexamethasone was increased was described in 5 dogs with PDH.41 Because this pattern is highly suspicious for HAC, further testing should be pursued.

Dexamethasone Form, Dosage, and Time of Testing

In the 1st LDDST study, the best separation between healthy dogs and dogs with HAC was achieved by cortisol concentrations 8 hours after 0.01 mg/kg dexamethasone IV.37 Intravenous dosages of 0.01 mg/kg dexamethasone sodium phosphate and 0.015 mg/kg dexamethasone polyethylene glycol yielded similar cortisol concentrations in dogs with HAC after 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours.39 When comparing dexamethasone in the polyethylene glycol or sodium phosphate form, no differences were detected after 0.01 and 0.1 mg/kg dosages.44 Dexamethasone sodium phosphate dosage should be calculated based on the active compound. According to Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook (7th ed), 1.3 mg dexamethasone sodium phosphate is equivalent to 1 mg dexamethasone.

Effect of Timing and Feeding

Dogs do not exhibit a circadian cortisol secretion.23 Therefore, the Panel assumes that time of day does not affect LDDST results. The effect of feeding on LDDST results is unknown. The Panel recommends not feeding during the test. Fasting before testing is not necessary unless lipemia affects results of the cortisol assay used.

Influence of Drugs

Dexamethasone is metabolized primarily by cytochrome P450 3A4. Agents that increase the enzyme's activity accelerate dexamethasone clearance and could cause false positive results. In humans, such agents include carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifampicin, barbiturates, and St. John's wort. In veterinary medicine, only phenobarbital has been studied. Available evidence suggests no effect of phenobarbital on LDDST results, although occasionally phenobarbital‐treated dogs may not show suppression.45-47


  • The Panel considers the LDDST the screening test of choice unless iatrogenic HAC is suspected.
  • The LDDST should be performed using 0.01–0.015 mg/kg dexamethasone sodium phosphate or polyethylene glycol IV; calculate dose using the parent compound and not the salt.
  • The LDDST can be started any time of the day; avoid feeding during the test.
  • Obtain blood samples before and 4 and 8 hours after dexamethasone administration.
  • The cortisol concentration 8 hours after dexamethasone administration is used to diagnose HAC. It is the clinical experience of the Panel that in normal dogs cortisol concentrations 4 and 8 hours after 0.01 mg/kg dexamethasone are below or very close to the detection limit of current assays. New cut‐off values should be established.
  • An “inverse pattern” should prompt further testing for HAC.
  • Because clinical signs and biochemical abnormalities in dogs on phenobarbital may be similar to those in dogs with HAC, confirmation of HAC in phenobarbital‐treated dogs is challenging. If clinical and laboratory abnormalities persist after switching to another anticonvulsant (substantiating the suspicion of HAC), an LDDST then may be performed. If discontinuation of phenobarbital is impossible, LDDST results should be interpreted cautiously and further diagnostic testing considered.

Part 2 of Cushing's Consensus Statement

Part 3 of Cushing's Consensus Statement

...and more liver information

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