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Chronic liver disease and GI ulcers

From the ACVIM consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis in dogs

Gastroduodenal ulceration

Hepatic disease is a risk factor for gastrointestinal ulceration.241, 242, 355 Although the pathophysiology is poorly understood, it does not appear to be associated with hypergastrinemia.356 Splanchnic congestion and poor blood flow may contribute. Enteric bleeding (melena, hematochezia) appears to be more common with advanced disease. Gastroduodenal ulceration is treated by using antisecretory drugs, and cytoprotectants, as well as by avoiding of ulcerogenic medications (Supporting Information Table S5).


Links to more information about abdominal diseases including more info about liver disease are directly below.

Go to: Regurgitation and vomiting

Go to: Pancreatitis

 Acute diarrhea

Go to: Chronic diarrhea

Go to: Liver enzymes and tests

Go to: Weight loss, anorexia, abdominal pain


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ACVIM Consensus Paper

2019 May-Jun; 33(3): 1173–1200.

Published online 2019 Mar 7. doi: 10.1111/jvim.15467

PMCID: PMC6524396

PMID: 30844094

Cynthia R. L. Webster,corresponding author 1 Sharon A. Center, 2 John M. Cullen, 3 Dominique G. Penninck, 1 Keith P. Richter, 4 David C. Twedt, 5 and Penny J. Watson 6